this is our first silly skype :Dfinally i'm using skype, it's been a week since he left for banjarnegara, glad for technology, alhamdulillah :Dadd my skype: ima.andari :D
for a moment like this
responsbility is something that easy to say but hard to do.but i do believe when we have a sincere heart to do it, everything will be much easier.sometimes we feel it's ok, but in the other side, we feel that it's enough! i'm tired..and i have through that kind of feeling, a lot! but when i felt upset about it, i become more tired.there are no such thing as a perfection. no one is perfect!why can't we just deal with it, go with it? everyone has a limit and a condition. why don't try to compromise with it? why?i do believe everyone has already struggle to do the responsibility. please understand it.this responsibility that we already through has change A LOT ourselves,yourself, and either mine. when we're tired, please think that we have already change something, build something, in togetherness. trust! that what we need to have.
dedicated for those who feels tired
xoxomiss sunshine
daily thought
when i first saw him, i never knew we're going to be together this it love is blind, but i guess it's not heart says he is the one :)well, i hope it'll be last forever, me & youdear yuris ramadhanSeni seviyorum
Ich liebe dich
je t'aime
te quiero
i love you
miss sunshine
whom I love
my sis with her milo drink
my boyfriend with kevin :)
bon appetite!
Kopi Lay
me and him :D
dad with Kopi Lay
my boyfriend with Kopi Lay either
me with??
my sis and my dad, do they have any resemblance?
my cute cousin, Kevin..
vannila+cheesecake ice cream with almond topping mixed up!
eat, eat, and eat. this is what i do everyday and it becomes crazier at moment like eid mubarak -___-"yesterday (17th september), me and my family spent our day at Paris Van Java *never been bored :)) *we spent time in 4th different place, or maybe 5? i can't even remember since we just ate and ate..yummyyy..and my bf also joint this incredible moment with my familyfirst, we had lunch at red beanthen, me and my bf ate ice cream in cold stone..yay!then, we ate pretzel in aunties annies, and my cousin kevin can't barely sat, he went everywhere by crawling and everybody in PVJ started to look at him and laugh..haha oh, look at his is kopi lay... me,my dad,my sis,and my boyfriend was eating in kopi lay while my aunty,cousin,and other was enjoying indonesian food we ate like almost 5 times!! wooowwww, i don't want to know my weight now huaa T.Tand of course we all had a great time :)and i did shop :) i bought bag from sogo and scarf from smoothies..yay!so, "do spend your time in moment like this with whom you love, because it's priceless!!"xoxomiss sunshine
for a moment like this
Friendship is one of incredible things that i have in my life.
"Never waste your besties, they're the one who will stand by your side and don't judge you no matter what"
daily thought
well, now is 16th september and i'm so happy because my germany visa has been approved. yay! alhamdulillah :)and it's 2 weeks to go. i can't even imagine i'm going abroad, finally!! mom and my dad is so proud of me, i can feel it, they seems happy to tell everybody else about how i am about to go to germany. mom and dad always ask me everyday whether my preparation is completed yet or not. they are over-excited i guess. thus, i have to make them really proud and not dissapointing them. yes, i can do it!in order you want to see about university which i'm about to visit, you can see this website:
daily thought