Do they really exist?
well, i have them, Alhamdulillah :D i have them since i was in high school and we keep our bonding until now and forever of course. We call ourselves OKKE.
here they are:

Meet Andelissa, I call her andel. She's in urban planning major. She's a quiet person, rarely to speak yet sometimes when she talks it sounds funny. haha. And now she's already with someone which makes us confuse how that person can get close to her ;) but well, congrats! She likes to take a picture (of us of course) with her SLR. yay!

Meet Cintya Naya, I call her Naya. She studies medicine in Lampung. So it rarely for us to meet. She's a tomboy woman ;) Oh, she loves to play music instrument ;)

Meet Medi. She's gonna be a dentist someday. She's a shy girl and less talk. oh, and she's very tall, much taller than me. I 'm wondering why.

Meet Annisa (2), I call her hap-hap. Hap-hap is very busy and he rarely gather with us. She used to be funny but time has gone by and everyone change. She's also decided to wear hijab. Alhamdulillah.

Meet Tri Mulya, I call her nene. She's a very fun person. every moment turns out to be hillarious when she's around ;) She loves to eat eat and eat. we love to make fun of her since she's very patient. by the way, she's a new member of OKKE!

These are my BFF. I am grateful to have best friends like them. We used to hang out even though it is hard to meet with our busy-ness.
i love you guys :*
miss sunshine